Ways to Stay Protected from Guardianship Fraud and Abuse

guardianship fraud and abuse

Guardianships are often put in place to help support and protect seniors who have advanced memory issues or other concerns that make independence possible. While these can be helpful for those who have loved ones in charge of the guardianships, there is also a possibility for guardianship fraud and abuse.

A recent piece by U.S. Representative Charlie Crist of Florida details some of the forms this fraud can take and ways that seniors can stay protected.

Since guardianships control finances, living arrangements, and medical decisions, having the wrong hands in charge can be disastrous for seniors. Guardianship fraud and abuse can involve taking funds from seniors, including their Social Security benefits and retirement savings.

A few ways to protect yourself or a loved one include:

  • Create power of attorney documents – These will ensure that only someone you trust can make important decisions for you.
  • Talk with a lawyer – Have a lawyer look over any important documents, like a living will.
  • Call on Congress to pass legislation – Ask you representatives to pass legislation protecting seniors.

Taking these steps can help you stay protected against guardianship fraud and abuse.

At The Seniors Center Blog, we’re helping seniors stay safe in retirement. Learn more about the scams that target retirees today—and follow The Seniors Center on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!