Don’t Fall for This Social Security Scam Letter


Your Social Security number (SSN) is a vital part of protecting your personal and financial information. It’s used for everything from filing taxes to opening a bank account. Unfortunately, scammers are using it for their own gain by preying on unsuspecting seniors.

How the Social Security Scam Letter Works

How does this scam work? According to an NBC affiliate station, you’ll receive a letter that claims to be from the Social Security Administration (SSA). It’ll claim that your SSN is being suspended because of suspected identity theft. The letter will go on to claim that your SSN is part of a $14 million dollar fraud investigation and will require you to call a phone number in order to reactivate it.

Of course, this is all lies.

The real Social Security Administration may contact you by letter, but they won’t ask for your personal information or threaten to suspend your SSN—and they’ll know your name. If you look closely at this Social Security scam letter, you’ll notice:

  • It doesn’t address you by name
  • The date isn’t in American format

And, of course, your Social Security number cannot be suspended—it’s yours for life.

The Seniors Center

If you receive one of these letters, DON’T call the number or provide any personal information. Keep your information safe by knowing the signs of a scam and never giving away your SSN. The Seniors Center Blog is here to help you stay informed and alert. Discover more tips and resources on our website, or follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest information.

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